Cricket Psychology: Trent Rockets – Mindless!

cricket psychology







It’s The Women’s Hundred at Trent Bridge. And the Trent Rockets are cruising to victory over The Northern Superchargers.

Requiring around thirty off twenty balls with wickets in hand the win is inevitable.

But then everything goes wrong. The wicket of Natalie Sriver-Brunt precipitates a collapse.

Wickets tumble. Panic sets in. Mindless decisions are made.

The game is lost.

A simple win becomes an unexplainable loss.

It’s a great example of how the closer you get to the result, the more your process can get compromised.

The more the pressure builds, the clearer your thinking needs to be.

The clearer your plan or strategy needs to be.

The HOW to win is everything.

It keeps your mind switched on, and negates panic and anxiety.

So remember that however much you desire the win.

However much you feel the pressure to win.

Always stay close to the HOW to win.




Posted in Cricket Psychology.